Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 10

I cannot believe that Caylee is already 10 days old. It is ridiculous to think that I had her on my birthday. What a wonderful birthday gift she was for me. I tried to have her on the 12th because I wanted her to be a birthday gift for my mother. I love my daughter and I am so happy that God has given her to me. So anyways, I have many more blessings that God has given me.

  1. He has given me a strong, wise, wonderful and Godly father. He has been supportive and I thank God for giving me a father that has kept our family strong and has taught us to become strong Christians.
  2. God has given me a humble, beautiful, wise and Godly mother. She has sacrificed so much for our family. I thank God for giving my sister and I an example of a Godly woman that we one day hope to become.
  3. God has given me a wonderful sister. Even though we used to always fight and I believe that I have pushed her away and we should be closer but with the birth of Caylee we have become closer and even though we still fight I love my sister.
  4. God has also given me four wonderful and supportive older brothers and their wives. 
I just honestly thank God so much for a wonderful and supportive family that loves me unconditionally. What more could I have asked for in a family? I love my family and I love God so much for this wonderful blessing.

In the end, I hope and pray that God will grow me to become a Proverbs 31 woman.

Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."

Friday, July 22, 2011


a NEW life... 

Since June 1st, my life has changed 100%. I have become a mother. Yes I said it. a MOTHER! I cannot believe that at the age of 18 I am a young mother. So anyway... I guess I can start blogging about my many adventures of being a mommy and how my baby has become one of my greatest blessings EVER.

So anyway to start it off, I guess I just want to list the blessings that I have been given from God...
  1. A God who is always there no matter what
  2. A beautiful baby GIRL (Caylee Josephine Nepomuceno)
  3. A family who is supportive and loves me for who I am
  4. An extended family who is also supportive and loves me for who I am
  5. A trial that I know I can handle as long as God is on my side
Those are the blessings that God has obviously shown me and I know that he has so many more blessings to come and blessings that will come as trials first. 

In the end, I do not regret that I had Caylee. I am so thankful to God for giving me her because she has shown me many things about my life. For example...
  1. She has brought my family SOOOOO much closer together
  2. I have learned who of my family and friends truly care about my family and I
  3. She has taught me that I need to continue to give my life to Christ and He will help me through anything
Those are the main examples of what God has taught me about people. 

In conclusion, I know that God would not have given me Caylee if He knew that this was a trial that I could not handle.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."